PMI Malaysia Chapter February 2023 Highlights






Hello all. David here. It is my great honour to serve you as your servant president for 629 days. On Monday, 13th March 2023, I will hand over the role to Dr. Joshua Allan Netto Jr. and take up the Immediate Past President (IPP) role to continue supporting, mentoring, and coaching the new board of directors.

I never believed in accident leadership, and my journey started with a group of chapter friends, Syamilah Ismail, Queenie Lee, and Harvey Hamid had lunch together at the city centre and discussed the Chapter’s future back in the year 2019. When I was elected president in 2021, my PMP buddy and ex-colleague, Ricky Ng, helped me draft my 6Ps manifesto. Not to exclude Siva Suppiah, who supported me in the journey from 2020 and 2021. These five people played an essential role in helping me to kick-start my journey to transform the Chapter.

100 days into my presidency, I wrote a blog here,  to share my vision and missions.

Up to today, I stick to what I am saying then. Indeed, it took a lot of work. I made mistakes, fell, and cast my own doubt. But I learned, grew, and am now a better version of myself. Here is a list of people I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart:

My deputy president 2021/2023, Jacqueline Soo, helped to take care of the Chapter’s core asset, the Chapter’s volunteers.

Chapter Secretary 2021/2023, Azlan Mohd Sidek, helped to take care of the Chapter’s administrative and business partnership initiative. Azlan was my deputy secretary back in 2020/2021. Without him, I have difficulty transferring the knowledge of the secretary’s role then and now.

Chapter Treasurer 2021/2023 (and Incoming President) Dr. Joshua Allan Netto Jr. helped to take care of the Chapter’s finance, account, and taxes. Dr Joshua also helped to solve the Chapter’s past 28 years of problem, income tax.

Chapter Director of Professional Development, Queenie Lee (2018/2022), and Henry Lee (2022/2023) helped to take care of Chapter members’ professional growth and development.

Chapter Director of Programmes, Maruthamutu Subramaniam (2018/2022) and Preeta Nair (2022/2023) helped to take care of the Chapter’s programmes and events.

Chapter Director of Public Relations, Herley Hamid (2021) and Nehru Nagappan (2022/2023) helped to take care of the Chapter’s external relationship with corporates and governments.

Chapter Director of Planning 2021/2023, Gayathri Jeyasingam, helped to take care of Chapter’s strategy planning and Bylaws review.

Chapter Director of Membership, Nehru Nagappan (2018/2022) and Sharanjit Kaur (2022/2023) helped to take care of Chapter’s current and future members.

Chapter Director of Publications, Raymond Chow (2021) and SiewFui Lau (2022/2023) helped to rebuild the Chapter’s website and publications. SiewFui also helped as a de facto leader for the Chapter’s Northern Conference 2022.

Chapter Director of Youth and Social Impact 2021/2023, Shawn Er, helped to organise the Chapter’s CSR programmes and events. Shawn is the founding member of the Chapter’s Social Good initiative. He led the team to conduct basic project management training for university students.

Chapter Director of Agile Outreach 2021/2023, Stan Lee, helped the Chapter to promote the Agile mindset and principles to the Chapter’s members and public. He was the executive sponsor for our Chapter’s International Agile Symposium before being handed over to the new Chapter’s board in 2023/2024.

Chapter Northern Branch Lead 2022/2023, Hussain Rasool, for leading the Northern team to organise the Chapter’s Northern Conference 2022.

Chapter Southern Branch Lead 2021/2023, Tony Hoe, helped to hold on to the Southern Branch volunteers and members together during the Covid Pandemic.

All Chapter volunteers in 2021/2023 for contributing and supporting the Chapter’s board of directors’ vision, missions, and initiatives.

All Chapter Members for believing in us to deliver values to you.

And lastly, Sohyun Kang, YeYoon Kim, Siti Rozianti, and XingYing Lee for supporting the Chapter.


Thank you,

David Khaw

Outgoing President


As we bid farewell to David, here’s some of the parting messages

from 2022/23 BODs & Leaders…



As you prepare to step down from your position as the President of our chapter, I wanted to take a moment to express our deep appreciation for everything you’ve done during your tenure. Your two years of leadership have truly transformed our chapter in ways that none of us could have imagined. One of the things that has always struck me about you is your incredible learning spirit. Throughout your time as President, you’ve never stopped seeking out new ideas and perspectives, and you’ve always been eager to listen to the thoughts and opinions of others. Your humility and willingness to learn from everyone around you have been an inspiration to us all. But it’s not just your dedication to learning that has made such a difference in our chapter. Your down-to-earth charisma has also been a key part of your success. You have a unique ability to connect with people from all walks of life, and your approachable, relatable style has helped to build bridges and foster a sense of community within our chapter. Finally, your “can-do” attitude, much like Kong Fu Panda, has been infectious. You have never shied away from a challenge, no matter how daunting it may seem, and you’ve always encouraged the rest of us to believe in ourselves and our ability to make a positive impact. Your unwavering optimism and determination have been a driving force behind our chapter’s success. It’s hard to imagine our chapter without you, but I know that you will continue to make a difference wherever you go. Thank you for your selfless dedication to our chapter and for inspiring us all to be the best versions of ourselves. We will miss you, but we know that your legacy will live on. Best wishes to you and we look forward to hearing more great stories as you shine beyond PMI Malaysia Chapter!!


David is a remarkable leader in his own right. I had only known him casually prior to being elected to the PMIMY Board of Directors in 2021. From the start of our Board appointment, he had already done his homework and had a very clear vision and mission to transform PMIMY. And this vision has been successfully translated into action and resulted in the awesome PMI Chapter we have today.Kudos David! Your dedication and commitment to PMIMY and the chapter volunteers is unparalleled. Wish you the very best as you move to your next role in PMI and I certainly feel proud to have had the privilege of working together with you the past two years.

Mei Yi:

I’ve learned so much from you in the past few months since joining the leadership workshop and PMIMY chapter leaders gateway. Thank you for being a great leader who inspires me to step out of my comfort zone and cherish your assistance in part of my professional career growth. All the best for your next chapter of volunteering, David.


All the best and good to have embarked the journey and memories together


David, hands down!!! A great Servant Leader successfully running our organization of volunteers, which is one of the toughest organizations to run. Very impressive and job well done!! Thank you!!


David is a great leader in transforming PMIMY in recent year. He empowers us to be the leaders and provides us a safe space to create value for our chapter. I appreciated the guidance and support from David. I wish David good luck in his future endeavours! Thank you!


David is always high-spirited, full of energy and is the human encyclopedia in PMIMY. Thank you David for the guidance in my short tenure of volunteering in PMIMY. Always amazed by your calmness and your humour. Keep calm and stay fabulous.


Thank you to David for his mentorship and guidance throughout his tenure as PMI MY Chapter President. David has been instrumental in crafting the 6P manifesto to drive the chapter forward, empower fellow BODs and volunteers, and to advocate PMI’s values, vision, and mission.

Shoba Sekaran:

Thank you David for your leadership and guidance these past 2 years. I’ve enjoyed learning from you especially through the Leadership Workshop series that you conducted. Wishing you all the very best in your next endeavour. P/S: Please go easy on your ADL consumption

Dr. Joshua:

My message of to David as he transitions to the IPP role: “As incoming president, I am filled with a deep appreciation for the transformation you have accomplished, not only for the chapter as a whole but for us as volunteers and incoming leaders.  We have had many good moments together. Here’s one from our trip to visit the southern branch and on to APLIM in Singapore.  Let’s continue your legacy and build this chapter to new heights.What do you say?”



Dear David, As you gear up to step down from your position as the President of PMIMY, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for all the laughs and lattes you brought to our organization. You truly are a wonderful person to work with and a mentor to many. Not to mention, you’re a fountain of knowledge on all things PMI-related. While we will miss your steady hand at the helm of PMIMY, there is one piece of advice I feel compelled to offer you before you go: it’s time to stop drinking Starbucks! You’ve had your fill of their burnt beans and it’s high time you tried something new- Zus Coffee! In all seriousness, you have been a true pleasure to work with and our Global Summit trip to Vegas was one for the books. Thank you for being approachable, easy to talk to, and always willing to lend an ear or a joke. You will be missed but we know that I will continue to bug you. Best wishes and cheers to new adventures!



Appreciation for Maheshan Subramanian, who volunteered to resolve registration issues for our 1st face-to-face evening talk post-pandemic with Laurie on 15 Feb’23 (Wednesday).


Get-well-soon for our volunteer Harjit Singh, who unfortunately was involved in an accident en route to work. We wish him a speedy recovery and are behind him and his family to support as a chapter.







PIX – PMI Malaysia Chapter (PMIMY) Intel Exchange was brought to live on 10th February 2023 (Friday). The event served as a great platform for Intel employees to network, share their experiences, and learn about the latest offerings from PMIMY. The event kicked off with PMIMY and Intel group photos, followed by a warm welcome speech from CH Pang (Intel PM CoP sponsor), highlighting the importance of continuous collaboration between Intel and PMIMY. Subsequently, David Khaw (PMIMY Outgoing President) expressed PMIMY’s appreciation to Intel PM CoP and highlighted the benefits of volunteering at PMI Malaysia – one of it being career progression acceleration.

At around 3:25pm, Joshua (PMIMY’s incoming President) continues with his vision and mission for the PMI Malaysia chapter. He called out specifically the 10x strategy, which aims to increase the number of members by at least 3000 during his tenure. Being a friendly guy as he is, he openly invites those who wish to volunteer to contact him or his Board. Nehru then proceeded to share the list of certifications offered by PMI and introduced the corporate package – which allows corporations to save up to RM100,000. To wrap up his talk, Nehru shared his stories of becoming a project manager, emphasizing to the crowd the importance of abiding by principles, being resilient, and upholding integrity. This was followed by an interactive Q&A session between participants and PMIMY BODs.

The event concluded with an appreciation dinner with PMIMY 2022 Northern conference partners, where PMI members had the opportunity to network and mingle. PIX was a fun and exciting experience for Intel members and an eye-opener for those interested in joining PMI Malaysia Chapter. We look forward to future collaborations with Intel and other industry partners to continue promoting the project management profession and turn ideas into reality.



PMI MY Corporate and Government Outreach and Partnership Pillars is firing up all cylinders to bring together partners from various Industries to co-create a better tomorrow. Check out the LinkedIn post and more pictures on PMIMY website




PMIMY collaborated with Multimedia University or MMU, to organize a case studies session for MMU Project Management students. Our volunteer, Michael Kum, presented the Case Studies to the students at MMU on 10/01/2023. The MMU students then were given a week to do research and presented their Case Studies on 17/01/2023. This is the 2nd time PMIMY has collaborated with MMU for such an event. The first time it was held was in 2022.

The case studies were designed to study the application of project management in a consultancy set up. The session focused on analyzing a given case-study problem set to identify the root cause, potential risks, and conducting SWOT analysis for the project. The participants were then required to apply change management techniques to define the project issues, intended outcome, and action plans. Finally, participants presented their case based on the 9-step biz case paper presentation template.

Participants are evaluated based on several criteria, which include: 1) providing an explanation of which area of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is relevant to the case study, 2) identifying the area of consultancy or project domain application that was used, 3) explaining the group’s reasoning process in arriving at their answer, 4) presenting their facts in a convincing manner, and 5) demonstrating overall group preparation and referencing of materials.

The following areas from the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) were applied:

Stakeholder Management – The group utilized the 4-step Stakeholder Management plan to deploy their project effectively.

Change Management – Members formulated the change management plan to ensure successful project deployment.

Risk Management – The team analyzed the case study and identified the issues, followed by proposing appropriate solutions.

Procurement Process Redefinition – One of the activities required the team to redefine the procurement process.

Integration Management – The group integrated the knowledge areas and project plans and successfully concluded the case study.

In conclusion, the application of project management in the consultancy industry is crucial to ensure the successful completion of projects. The training event provided a valuable opportunity for participants to learn about the practical application of project management techniques in a consultancy setup.







Congratulation!!! PRESIDENTIAL AWARD 2022/2023 inaugural recipients – SiewFui Lau and Dr. Joshua Allan Netto Junior. (Clink on embedded link to PMI Malaysia LinkedIn posts for details)



Dear PMIMY member, Greetings from PMI Malaysia Chapter!

On behalf of the PMI Malaysia Chapter (PMIMY), we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share your Project Management experience with the Project Management Community in Malaysia by submitting articles to us. Sharing your knowledge and skills to contribute to the profession, which we believe will be of immense value to fellow members in the PMI Malaysia Chapter & share in website This would also be an attractive opportunity for you as a Contributor to be noticed in the Malaysian Project Management Community.

People: Recognizing you have the skills to effectively lead and motivate a project team throughout a project.

Process: Using predictive, agile, and hybrid approaches to determine which way of working is best for each project.

Business Environment: Highlighting the success of a project and its impact on overall strategic organizational goals.

You will earn up to 6 PDUs when your articles are published in our PMIMY Newsletter.

Remember to state your details when submitting the articles for sharing and record purposes.

  1. Profile background
  2. PMI Membership ID number
  3. Profile Picture (Optional)

We look forward to receiving articles from you for knowledge sharing. As always, please feel free to contact us if we can be of service.

Terms and conditions:

  1. The submission article is expected to be a minimum of 300 words to a maximum of 2000 words.
  2. The articles should be related to Project Management, such as your personal achievement or success stories around Project Management or PMI Knowledge Areas.
  3. If the article was published previously in any other publication, including your organization’s internal Newsletter or other documentation, please obtain all necessary permissions from the publisher for reproducing prior to submission and state explicitly in your article.
  4. The author and article should abide by the PMI code of ethics.
  5. All articles are to be submitted in MS Word format to PMIMY Newsletter Committee, Email: [email protected]






PMIMY 25th Annual General Meeting 2023

Remember 11… Attention PMI MY Members!

Get ready for an exciting event that you won’t want to miss! The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of PMI MY is just around the corner, and we’re inviting you to join us for an unforgettable experience.
This year’s AGM is extra special because it marks the first time we’ll be holding an AGM physical meeting after the pandemic. After months of remote interactions, this is your chance to meet your fellow members in person, connect, and engage.
The AGM is an opportunity for us to discuss our chapter’s plans, strategies, and initiatives for the future. You’ll have a say in key decisions that will shape the direction of PMI MY, so don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard.
Join us at the AGM, and participate in an exciting and meaningful event that will help take PMI MY to the next level.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Project Management Institute Malaysia Chapter (PMIMY) details as below:

Date : Saturday, 11th March 2023
Time : 9.30 am to 11.30 am
Venue : Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) & Microsoft Teams (Online Streaming)

Click HERE to register.



About Us

The Project Management Institute Malaysia Chapter (PMIMY), founded in 1994, is a Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI). PMI is the world’s leading professional association for a growing community of millions of project professionals and changemakers worldwide. As the world’s leading authority on project management, PMI empowers people to make ideas a reality. Through global advocacy, networking, collaboration, research, and education, PMI prepares organizations and individuals to work smarter in an ever-changing and dynamic world.

The PMI Malaysia Chapter has over 1500 members.

More information can be found on our website,


PMIMY Collaboration