2024 PMI MY President's Address

Dr. Joshua Netto, DBA, PMP® PMI-RMP® PRINCE2®

President, PMI Malaysia Chapter

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning! If you don’t know me, my name is Joshua, your president of the chapter, and it’s my honour and privilege to speak with you all today. Incidentally, in case you don’t know, we are celebrating our 30th anniversary this year. Our actual day of registration is October the first. So, watch out for more activities and of course more celebrations throughout the year, especially in Q4.

History Made! PMI Malaysia isn’t just celebrating 30 years, we’re confirmed as the oldest chapter in Asia Pacific, after PMI had to dig through archives to verify our pioneering legacy.

We’ve surpassed 1800 members, but there’s more to achieve. Thousands of potential members, PMI certificate holders, are out there. Let’s ignite our network – share this chapter’s value and encourage them to join our thriving community!

Let’s give a warm round of applause to our incoming Board of Directors! This diverse group brings a wealth of experience and fresh perspectives to guide PMI Malaysia through the next two years.

Returning for another term:

  • Preeta, our unanimously re-elected Vice President, brings her proven leadership and dedication.
  • Mei Yi, continuing her second year as Director of Professional Development, ensures our learning opportunities remain top-notch.
  • Adam, our trusted Director of Technology for a second year, keeps us at the forefront of innovation.
  • Jody, leading the highly successful Chapter Exchange Program, continues his vital work.
  • KC, a familiar face, joins the council.

We’re thrilled to welcome back:

  • Francis, a seasoned PMI member, returns with his valuable experience.

New to the board but not to PMI Malaysia:

  • Hussain, our ATP Outreach leader, brings a strong regional perspective.
  • Zaharrudin, representing Petronas as Head of Corporate and Government Outreach, strengthens our industry connections.
  • Sasha, taking the helm of Marcomm, will elevate our communication and brand awareness.
  • Siew Fui, the Director of Major Events, continues to create outstanding experiences for our members.

This geographically balanced board, with strong representation from the central, north, and south regions, positions us for even greater success.

A huge thank you to the nomination committee, including Tariq, for fostering this remarkable group. His guidance in developing future leaders will be invaluable.

But our work doesn’t stop here. We’ll discuss building a sustainable leadership pipeline to ensure PMI Malaysia thrives for the next 30 years and beyond!

Beyond our esteemed Board of Directors, I’d like to introduce our incredible Chapter Directors! They’ll be instrumental in leading various initiatives alongside us.

  • Procurement powerhouse Hannah, representing the Southern region, joins the team!
  • Volunteer extraordinaire Henry, a recent award winner, continues his dedication.
  • Watana, our new Volunteer Experience leader, brings her expertise from Singapore’s chapter leadership.
  • Saravanan, our Head of Analytics, steps up to provide valuable data insights (Welcome, Sara!).
  • Membership champion Alex, previously a Chapter Director, continues his stellar work.
  • Henry, the awards maestro, returns to lead the Chapter Awards program for the third year!
  • LK, leading the Northern branch, joins the team.
  • A huge round of applause for Sandy and the WiPM team, especially for their phenomenal IWD 2024 celebration!
  • Social Impact leader Ramachandran takes the helm.
  • Gayathri, a former council member, returns to spearhead the Chapter of the Year Award.
  • Krishna, our Academic Outreach lead, joins the team.
  • And of course, our Immediate Past President, David, retains his position as IPP.

Here’s the exciting part! Some incredible individuals who didn’t make the board this time are joining us as Chapter Directors. This welcoming PMI spirit allows them to gain valuable leadership experience. We fully expect to see them on the board in the future! This, my friends, is how we build a sustainable leadership pipeline for PMI Malaysia’s continued success.

Enough about the past! It’s time to set our sights firmly on the horizon.

Recall our strategic planning session back in January at the Ascott Hotel (some of you might have seen it on social media). We delved deep, asking ourselves: What excelled in our first 30 years? What areas can we improve?

Here’s a powerful anecdote: At the Global Summit, I finally met Pierre Le Manh. During the closing ceremony, with Henry by my side (you saw the pictures!), I leaned in and whispered, “PMI Malaysia – the oldest chapter in APEC!” His surprised response? “No, it’s Japan.” With a confident smile, I countered, “Nope, it’s Malaysia.” He was genuinely astonished!

And guess what he received? The very badge you’re wearing today! We’ll share that picture later. This moment perfectly encapsulates our proud legacy and our unwavering commitment to PMI’s future.

It’s time for PMI Malaysia to roar! We’re not just a local chapter; we’re a project management powerhouse ready to take the national stage!

The video highlighted our extensive corporate outreach. But here’s the shocker: Many haven’t even heard of PMI Malaysia! This, despite our 30-year legacy and expertise! Why? Project failures plague our nation, and we – the solution providers – are a hidden gem!

We refuse to stay hidden! Our 2024 strategy is crystal clear: Become the undisputed authority on project management in Malaysia! Here’s how:

  • Media Domination: We’re aiming for mainstream media coverage! Do you have connections? Can you help us break into this space? We need volunteers!
  • Award Supremacy: Winning prestigious awards will put us on the national map!

Join us in this transformation! Let’s make PMI Malaysia a household name – synonymous with project management excellence!

Look who I spotted at the Global Summit with Henry! And guess what? Our very own Fakri from Petronas (huge applause!) triumphed at the Student Paper of the Year competition! We celebrated him at last year’s dinner, and here he is again, making Malaysia proud on the global stage!

This is proof positive: Malaysian talent is world-class! We have the potential to win big at global awards. Are you thinking of submitting an entry? We’re here to support you! We can even feature your work in our external publications like EDGE.

Together, let’s propel PMI Malaysia to international recognition!