Leadership Workshop Series 2022

Leadership Workshop Series (LWS) 2022 is an initiative by the PMI Malaysia Chapter to develop future leaders from the chapter members for the chapter, corporate, society, or community. LWS uses the chapter as a platform to introduce the leadership guidelines and practices by the PMI and a platform to practice leadership skills. Guided by the chapter 6Ps Manifesto to create a safe and fun “Platform“, focusing on our “People” (members and volunteers), to create an opportunity for them to “Practice” and “Prospect” to become future leaders. Feel “Proud” to be part of the community, and develop the “Passion” to lead through the skills acquired from the chapter. If, one day, you want to become a CEO of a company or a leader of an organisation, I invite you to join this preview workshop. Here is the 1st workshop recorded video for LWS 2022.

We had two Clubhouse sessions for LWS 2022. Here are the records.

29 April 2022 – Unleash Your Leadership

27 May 2022 – Leadership

Here is the link to register for the rest of the Leadership Workshop Series (for Chapter Member Only). The registration ended on 17th June 2022 12 pm (GMT+8).

For more information, please get in touch with Coach David by email at [email protected].